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July Is UV Safety Awareness Month
Posted by: Medical Center Ophthalmology Associates in Eye Health

Summer has finally arrived, and the sun is brightly shining with warm temperatures. It is a perfect time to share sun-smart awareness during UV Safety Awareness Month.
Before you enjoy fun in the sun, either on vacation or relaxing in your backyard, here are some Sun Smart UV Safety Tips from the American Academy of Ophthalmology to prepare and protect your eyes:
- 47% of sunglasses wearers do not check UV ratings before purchasing. Always buy sunglasses labeled “UV400” or “100% UV Protection.”
- Some medications and medical conditions, such as antibiotics, antifungals, antihistamines, cholesterol-lowering drugs, diuretics, or retinoids, can make people more photosensitive or vulnerable to UV damage. If you have questions about your medications and the possibility of photosensitivity, talk with your doctor.
- Listed are results from an online survey conducted on behalf of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, where a percentage of people do not believe the cause of photosensitivity:
- 82% – Retin-A skin creams
- 72% – Antibiotics
- 71% – Cataracts
- 71% – Light-colored eyes (e.g., blue or green)
- Protect the kids! 74% of parents make their children wear sunscreen, and only 32% make their children wear UV-protected sunglasses.
- 83% agree you should wear sunglasses when overcast, but only 17% do! Make sure to wear your sunglasses on cloudy days.
- Protect yourself with UV-blocking glasses and a hat! Some studies show UV rays may be related to the following:
- Pterygium (a growth on the eye, often called surfer’s eye)
- Photokeratitis (temporary sun blindness – sunburned eye)
- Eye Cancer (uveal melanoma)
- Cataract (clouding of the lens that causes blindness)
Sunny Days Are Good for Your Health
Healthy exposure to sunlight can have positive effects if you protect your eyes from UV rays. A little exposure to natural light every day helps you sleep well. The light-sensitive cells in our eyes play an essential role in our body’s natural sleep-wake cycles. Spending time outdoors in the daylight is also a great benefit to your kids and can help them prevent nearsightedness. Have fun and enjoy the warm summer weather safely; don’t forget sunglasses and hats for everyone!

References: American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Optometric Association, and the Journal of the Royal Society. This blog provides information and discussion about eye health and related subjects. The content provided within this blog and any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered medical advice. If the reader or any person has a medical concern, they should consult with an appropriately licensed physician.